White culture consumes your body for profit.
White culture profits off your indebtedness, your underpayment, and your livelihood.
White culture must siphon your art, your talent, your originality to replenish its power.
White culture demands to be heard and will cry louder and louder when other voices try to speak.
(White culture always asks for the manager.)
White culture deifies authority and rule, but only when whites are excluded from its scrutiny.
White culture alienates you from your feelings to entrench its power.
White culture plunders, murders, and pollutes.
White culture is greed, gluttony, and hubris.
White culture glorifies violence, rejects sexuality, and isolates the individual.
White culture creates tests, traps, and trials to use, exclude, and silence you.
White culture seeks control, dominion, and command over all things.
White culture deflects critique.
White culture is defensive.
White culture believes in a meritocratic America.
White culture is branding.
White culture is surveillance.
White culture has a savior complex.
White culture glorifies individualistic conformity and demonizes collective diversity.
White culture is fuck you, got mine.
White culture is capitalism.